Serving more than 1.8 million people in 117 counties, Kentucky’s 26 not-for-profit electric cooperatives are committed to improving the quality of life for our consumer-members. KENTUCKY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES Read about co-ops Watch Our Video Kentucky electric cooperatives are helping reverse the downward trend in rural voting. Support Co-ops Vote. Make sure you are registered and that you vote on Election Day Kentucky Electric Cooperatives cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper

🚨 The EPA’s latest proposed rule will close power plants and make it harder to build new ones, increasing the risks of blackouts for our community. 🚨
Tell the White House they must drop the rule and keep electricity reliable and affordable for Kentucky.

The IT Association Meeting wrapped up this week with a great turn out. The gathering was a hub for advancing cybersecurity and IT management, with in-depth discussions on impending regulations, cutting-edge security solutions, and the crucial convergence of IT and OT security.

THANK YOU Congressman Guthrie -- standing up for affordable and reliable energy.
We need all elected leaders to follow your example!

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